Biologisk mangfold/Biodiversity

Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi ønsker velkommen til seminar hvor vi vil se mer på temaet biologisk mangfold. Arrangementet vil foregå i Jernaldergården ved Universitetet i Stavanger (Ullandhaug) 12. februar kl. 19-20. Møtet er gratis og åpent for alle interesserte. Det serveres kaffe, te og lapper før og etter presentasjonen.
Foredragsholder denne kvelden er Dr. Alessio Gomiero fra NORCE. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk.
Dr. Alessio Gomiero is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) and the scientific coordinator of the North Atlantic Microplastic Centre (NAMC). Since 2013, he has been at the forefront of ecotoxicology, focusing on the assessment of the biological effects of pollution in marine, freshwater and terrestrial organisms. His recent research delves into the intersection of pollutants of emerging concern such as plastic, plastic additives and human health.
Biodiversity, encompassing the vast array of species, genetic variations, and ecosystems on Earth, plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and resilience. This presentation explores biodiversity's essential functions, focusing on supporting ecosystem services, enhancing climate regulation, and fostering environmental stability.
We begin by examining how biodiversity contributes to ecosystem services, including pollination, nutrient cycling, and water purification, which are vital for human survival and well-being. The intricate relationships between species create a web of interactions which are essential for resilience against environmental changes and disturbances.
The presentation also addresses the pressing threats facing biodiversity today, such as habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and overexploitation of resources. These factors lead to alarming rates of species extinction and habitat loss, disrupting ecological networks and diminishing nature's ability to adapt to changing conditions.
Through detailed case studies and the latest research, we highlight the cascading effects of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functionality and human societies. For example, the decline of pollinator populations threatens global food security, while the loss of forests impacts carbon sequestration and climate regulation. Finally, the presentation will emphasize the importance of conservation strategies and sustainable practices, which are vital for counteracting these challenges. We will illustrate how protecting natural habitats, restoring degraded ecosystems, and promoting biodiversity-friendly policies are essential steps in preserving the planet's biological diversity.
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