
12.3.2025, 18:00 - 12.3.2025, 20:00
Jernaldergården, Ullandhaug
Publisert 26.2.2025
Picture of AI-revolusjonen

Join us for a talk on how AI has evolved during the last 30 years, what the recent hype is all about, and the mind-blowing changes we are about to face with AI that knows everything and can do anything. From the very simple beginning to larger, more complex AI models that can reason, speak any language and can generate any image or video, to full AI brains that enables humanoid robots to learn by just watching humans and how we solve tasks. How can we best harness and utilize these breakthroughs, and what value can this technology bring to individuals, industries and our society?

Stein Danielsen is responsible for disruptive solutions in Cognite, built on top of the Cognite base technology including ground-breaking AI and robotics solutions. Over the last 30 years, Stein has worked for a number of companies, including Cognite, cXense, Scala Computer Television, Fast Search & Transfer and Microsoft. His multi-faceted experience in the software industry has taken him from search, real-time systems, and 3D graphics to large-scale data, AI and transaction systems, with patents in these areas. He holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science specializing in AI from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

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